OpenID Connect authentication (Single Sign-On)

New in version 2.6.0.

MWDB starting from version 2.6.0 allows you to log in using an external identity provider. The OpenID Connect protocol is used for this and it was integrated with the MWDB authentication system.


The current implementation of this authentication method is still under development and should be considered to be beta feature.

To be able to use this method of logging in, you must configure MWDB with special environment variable: MWDB_ENABLE_OIDC=1 or via mwdb.ini configuration field: `enable_oidc = 1`

The easiest way to play with this functionality is to set up the environment with a docker-compose-oidc-dev.yml file which sets the appropriate environment variable and sets up a test external Keycloak server

Automatic integration of MWDB with the test server is described in dev/oidc/

OpenID Connect integration gives us the opportunity to perform new actions:

  • identity provider registration

  • logging in with an external identity provider

  • register new user using external identity

Setting up new OpenID Provider

If you want to add a new OpenID Provider, go to Settings and click on OpenID Connect tab.

The required information is:

  • name

  • client_id

  • client_secret (if symmetric key is used to sign the JWT e.g. HS256)

  • authorization_endpoint

  • userinfo_endpoint

  • token_endpoint

  • jwks_endpoint (if asymmetric key is used to sign the JWT e.g. RS256)

OpenID client setup on OpenID Provider

During client registration, you may need information listed below (example for Keycloak):

  • Standard Flow Enabled - MWDB-Core uses authorization code flow only

  • Valid Redirect URLs: https://<mwdb core url>/oauth/callback

  • Minimal required scope: email, profile


Using the OpenID Connect protocol requires `` base_url`` to be set in configuration. This value is used for generating redirect_uri therefore it is essential to authenticate that way.

Current configuration is pretty minimal. In future versions it may be extended with roles for automatic group/permission assignment or Single Logout parameters.

As feature is still during development, keep in mind that these parameters may change a bit in future versions.

Bind MWDB account with OpenID Provider

After successfully registering the correct information about the appropriate provider, you can try to authenticate with it.

To do this go to the Profile and click on the OpenID Connect section. There you can link your local account with an external identity.

Now to test authentication with external provider, please log out and go to the OAuth authenication tab where you can log in with OpenID Connect protocol.


It is also possible to create a new MWDB account by authorizing through external identity provider.

For users who already have MWDB accounts it is recommended to bind the account with external identity in Profile section.